Full Service Graphic Design .com
Full Service Graphic Design, Do not do business with David Caputo!

SEO Analysis

Positronic Design claims to have successfully promoted sites to the top of their preferred search terms on Google and other search engines. The question that should be asked is, who at the “full service graphic design” company is selecting these preferred search terms? The days of a small business doing organic internet branding have been over for more than ten years. It cost Twitter.com over $57,000,000. to brand their URL, a massive speculative investment for any web start-up.

At this time organic search engine optimization must identify and serve the market, not attempt to lead the market. To develop a top ranked site it no longer works for a customer to come to an SEO company and expect top site ranking for the search terms of their choice. No small business can outrank Amazon.com for books or music, and no small business can outrank BestBuy.com for consumer electronics. At this point SEO needs to dictate the products that on-line companies can successfully market. Small businesses can no longer dictate the SEO.

Also gone is the day when customers can write their own SEO site content. Writing for the web has become a highly specific technical writing skill. Even if a customer is a skilled enough writer to produce their own site content, writing search engine optimized content now requires an understanding of natural language keyword distribution and a knowledge of the maximum keyword infusion as allowed per industry. To make matters more complex, an SEO content writer cannot forget that when complete the site must also be readable by human beings.

Finally, for a site to rank highly on the search engines a web site design can no longer be built based only on the customer’s design preference. For a web site to rank highly on competitive search terms every element of the navigation and content must be optimized for search engine ranking not just appearance.

Positronic Design still uses an outdated system of web site development that uses a very graphically intensive site design, which is then cut-up be used as a site template. Not only does this system fail to serve the search engines, but also produces a web site that is very expensive to edit in any way. “Full service graphic design” in this case can be translated to mean very expensive and totally ineffective. This is another example of where Positronic Design is more than ten years out of date in their web development techniques.