Full Service Graphic Design .com
Full Service Graphic Design, Do not do business with David Caputo!

Search Engine Optimization

Positronic Design, The SEO Company claims to be a “full service graphic design”, print consulting and search engine optimization web site development company. What Positronic Design actually is, is a group of college students or recent graduates, that David Caputo uses as contractors as needed to build web sites and do print layout for customers. These students work out of David Caputo’s home in an economically depressed slum of Massachusetts.

As one of David Caputo’s former contractors, I can tell you that David Caputo’s staff turnover is so high as to assure that no one stays around long enough to become an expert in search engine optimization or anything else. I eventually left Positronic Design because David Caputo failed to pay me $3000. in fees for services rendered. The quality of the web sites produced by Positronic Design tends to be poor because David Caputo has no long term staff. I eventually got hooked into having a web site built by Positronic Design in an attempt to recover my $3000.

It is a laughable claim that Positronic Design, The SEO Company is a world leader in natural-language organic search engine optimization research as written on their web site. At the current time search engine optimization is a well understood process of keyword analysis, market positioning, search engine optimized site construction, and keyword infusion into every text based element of a web site.

In the years since the failed Positronic Design attempt to build a search engine optimized web site for me I have since studied SEO extensively and trained search engine optimization specialists. The mistakes in Positronic Design’s sites are clear.

Search Engines do not read the graphically intensive content that Positronic Design is still building. Perhaps building fully graphical web sites justifies calling Positronic Design business a “full service graphic design” company, but it doesn’t work for search engine optimization. Modern web sites are text based and built with the selection of a highly ranked, keyword optimized URL, header tags, title tags, and keyword infusion of site content specific to the industry the site is built. For search engines, graphical navigation buttons, images, and Flash graphics are just black boxes on the page.

Using current keyword analysis tools it is clear that the search terms that Positronic Design is still building sites for are for keywords that no one is looking for. Building sites for keywords of no value may allow Positronic Design to demonstrate top Google ranking to site owners, but since these terms have few searches they result in few sales. These keywords, like the ones in the website they built for me at Positronic Design, only cost the customer money, money paid to David Caputo for his services.